Welcome to 2022, and isn’t it glorious? Well, it certainly feels that way here at Dringhouses. Everyone’s come back in fine spirits after a generally relaxing and refreshing break.

Welcome to 2022, and isn’t it glorious? Well, it certainly feels that way here at Dringhouses. Everyone’s come back in fine spirits after a generally relaxing and refreshing break.
Abby and Megan baked cakes for the kitchen team! And made a 'printed using nature' card for them to say Thank You! #dringkind #dringcreative
Dringhouses Primary school (@dringhousesprimary) • Instagram photo
Dringy's Got Talent #dringconfident #dringcreative
Dringhouses Primary school (@dringhousesprimary) • Instagram photo
EY Sports Day! Seriously styled-out staff skipping, and INTENSE family races. #dringconfident #dringraces
Dringhouses Primary school (@dringhousesprimary) • Instagram photos and videos
Key Stage 2 are officially Internet Legends!
We had a visit from Jez and Paulette from Google today who were very impressed with our knowledge about e-safety. We brushed up on our skills for keeping ourselves safe and reminded ourselves of the Be Internet Legends Pledge!