
‘Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.’

Shakuntala Devi


At Dringhouses, children have a positive attitude towards maths. Mathematics at Dringhouses is a creative and stimulating subject through which all learners are engaged, challenged and consequently achieve high outcomes. Learning mathematics develops reasoning, analysis and problem solving skills as well as opportunities to develop number and calculation skills.

Mathematics is important in every day life, allowing us to make sense of the world around us. It gives us confidence in dealing with number and in understanding shape, position and movement. It enables us to think abstractly, model real-life situations, and make generalisations, and equips us with the skills we need to interpret and analyse information, assess risk and make informed decisions. Learning mathematics gives pupils access to the wider curriculum and further encourages a mindset to ‘learn for life’.

  • Through a carefully sequenced curriculum, from the very starting point, children to gain a deeper understanding of mathematics.
  • To sequence learning is small steps to ensure that learning is embedded and linked to previous and future learning.
  • To gain key mathematical skills and knowledge including the quick recall of basic facts (e.g multiplication and division facts and number bonds) 
  • To develop the ability to apply mathematical skills with confidence and understanding when reasoning with mathematical concepts.
  • To develop the ability to express ideas using the language of mathematics with assurance, using correct mathematical language and vocabulary.
  • To develop the ability to think clearly and logically with independence of thought and flexibility of mind- making the links within and between concepts.
  • To develop a positive attitude to mathematics, recognising that mathematics can be both useful and enjoyable through a growth mindset approach.
  • To develop a fascination and excitement of mathematics through inspiring teaching.
  • To be able to use and apply acquired skills in other curricular areas and recognise the effective use of mathematics as a tool within and out of school and, subsequently, adult life.


The National Curriculum (2014) sets out expectations for each year group in Key Stage 1 and 2. We have created lists of Maths age-related expectations (‘ARE Grids’) which have taken the National Curriculum content and listed these in a format which teachers can use as an overview for the year and for their planning and assessments. To support the well-structured and progressive curriculum with clear links between years and within concepts, the school makes use of the White Rose Maths Hub resources and calculation policy.

Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas. The programmes of study are, by necessity, organised into apparently distinct domains, but pupils should make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. They should also apply their mathematical knowledge to science and other subjects.

Teaching across the school develops children’s mathematical ability through the stages of concrete, to pictorial and finally to abstract to ensure a deep-rooted understanding with a revisit to different stages if needed when increasing the complexity of learning. Within this context, children are taught in mixed ability classes ensuring there is no limit to their potential in achieving high outcomes whatever their starting point.

High expectations and excellent subject knowledge ensure that all children are challenged. Teachers are committed to ensure that learning is embedded into long term memory and use daily Smart Starts, Daily Review activities and continually make links between learning.
Implementation: organisation and time:

Whole School
Daily Smart Start 8:35-9:00 in which children practise previously taught key mathematical knwoldege and skills as well as the 4 operations. EYs and KS1 also incorporate number formation practice into this time.
Daily count: each maths lesson starts with a daily count, as outlined in the multiplication fact mapper.

In EYs, Maths operated on a two weekly cycle with discrete sessions planned for alternate weeks following the White Rose Maths long term plan. Mathematics is also embedded across areas of provision.

Key Stage 1
In KS1, there is a daily maths lesson of between 45 and 60 minutes for all children in mixed ability classes.

Key Stage 2
In KS2, we have a daily maths lesson of approximately 60 minutes for all children in mixed ability classes.

Keep up not catch up sessions
As a result of live feedback and teachers formative daily assessments, daily same day intervention takes place during afternoon assembly time which is delivered by the class teacher. This could be with the aim to address misconceptions with a child or group of children or to further stretch and challenge a group of children as required for the particular class.

Please see our Mathematics Progression Plan here.

Our Mathematics subject leader is Miss Mary-Kate Swiers.

Please contact them for further information.


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