A rich, demanding, creative curriculum

Online Safety

Online Safety at Dringhouses


The internet: A tool for good

The availability of the internet gives our children access to a wealth of information in seconds; the learning and leisure possibilities are endless. At school, we use the internet as a tool that broadens and enhances our educational offer.  We utilise education specific providers such as PurpleMash or Google Workspace for Education alongside apps, websites and providers that children may encounter in the wider world. 


Online Safety- Why it is important

We want our pupils to be aware of what to do if they come across offensive material or any inappropriate content, and to understand how to take care of themselves in an ever developing world of technology.


Keeping Safe Online: What we do at School

In a world where children are increasingly able to access the internet independently, as a school we believe it is important to equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to keep themselves safe online. We have a comprehensive approach to teaching e-safety. It underpins every activity that we do using technology, be that when it is explicitly taught or implicitly managed.  As a school, we actively follow and take part in Google’s ‘Be Internet Legends’ schemes and activities where children use ‘Interland’ to learn key rules for keeping safe and keeping the internet a positive place. Pupils have taken part in ‘Be Internet Legends Assemblies’ virtually and we were lucky to host one live in our school hall.

Our PSHE and Computing curriculum work hand in hand and all children, from EYFS to Year 6, are taught e-safety to an age appropriate level. Each year group  in KS1 and KS2 has a designated half term on explicit e-safety teaching which allows us to cover more specific topics, such as phishing or scams. Children are taught how to use ‘report’ functions on apps/sites they may visit and about their digital footprint. 


What does Online safety mean for you at home?

There are many things that you can do at home to help promote online safety and ensure that your child grows to be a responsible internet user and there is a wealth of information out there to help equip you.  One of the biggest tools we have for promoting e-safety is open and honest conversations; check in with your children regularly, ask them what they’ve been looking at online and keep the conversation going – if they see something online that makes them feel worried or uncomfortable, it’s important they know who to turn to. 


If your child wishes to have a social media account, you must always check the terms and conditions. Most sites require users to be at least 13 years old. Older children may have social media accounts and there are steps that you can take to help keep them safe. For example:

  • Check the settings on your child’s social media accounts and make sure they are set to ‘private’.
  • Read the terms and conditions of sites and check they are age appropriate.
  • Discuss your child’s accounts with them and make sure you know their passwords.
  • Most sites have ‘tips for parents’ you can read in their help centre.
  • Regularly check their activity online – remind them that every time they upload anything, download anything or simply visit sites, they are creating a digital footprint that is hard to erase

We’d recommend looking at a site like https://parentzone.org.uk/ – it’s full of information, tips and resources to help you confidently monitor and support your child online. 


We’re here to help

If you need any further assistance or support with matters regarding e-safety, please don’t hesitate to contact us, either through your child’s class teacher or by contacting the Computing Subject lead, Lisa Auckland. 

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