Newsletters WHOLE SCHOOL


Whole school newsletters

Welcome back! Here we are at the start of another academic year. We hope that you have enjoyed a restful and safe summer holiday and are looking forward to a new school year filled with learning and lots of fun – see you on the playground. Read the newsletter here
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What an amazing start to the Autumn term! Click the link to find out what we have been learning in school and what’s coming up soon.  See you on the playground. Read the newsletter here
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Towards the finish line… Unbelieveable as it always is, we’re almost at the end of another academic year. Not that you’d know based on how busy the school is! We’re stretching out the term to include trips, productions, sports days, and concerts right to the very end! I’m going to write a more comprehensive ‘end of the year’ newsletter next week, so...
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What a two weeks – I haven’t been here and I feel like I’ve rather missed out on all of the amazing stuff going on across the school – check out the photos on the following pages to see the absolute JOY created at Y6s theme park extravaganza (‘Even better than PGL,’ said one child); the PTA -led discos,...
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Another couple of weeks, another set of Triathlons, and dodgeball championships (artistic licence allowed) completed! Although this half-term is a short one, we’ve certainly been packing in a lot of stuff! Read the newsletter here
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‘Do you remember? What it was like – September!’ We’re back – after what was a summer of mixed climates, and I’m sure of mixed experiences all round. Read the newsletter here
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As the saying goes – ‘new term, new newsletter format, new you.’ Or something like that. What a first seven weeks back…poetry writing workshops, trips to far-flung places, photo-days, glorious sunshine, chucking it down rain…but still a lot of fun, and vibrancy whatever the weather. Read the newsletter here
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Welcome to 2022, and isn’t it glorious? Well, it certainly feels that way here at Dringhouses. Everyone’s come back in fine spirits after a generally relaxing and refreshing break. Read the newsletter here
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It’s been an interesting couple of weeks since the last newsletter, particularly in the last week. Having said that we’ve been unscathed by the ‘vid, that’s not quite true anymore! Read the newsletter here
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Hi, all, just a mini-newsletter today, so no overly long waffley ramble chat from me…you’re welcome! See you on the playground! Read the newsletter here
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