Art and Design

‘Art has the role in education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else’

Sydney Gurewitz Clemens.


Art and Design is a vital part of the primary curriculum as it provides a means of expressing oneself for each child. It is a practical subject which stimulates creativity, personal expression, a sense of well-being and imagination through the use of a wide range of materials and techniques, whilst the children develop their own visual literacy in the wider historical and current contexts of artists, designers and craft makers.

Art and Design at Dringhouses plays an important part in each child’s development. The art and design curriculum develops the key skills of creative thinking and problem solving, communication, working with others and improving their own learning and performance. The subject is effective as a cross-curricular link, adding to children’s depth of understanding, appreciation of and experiences in other areas of their learning including spiritual and cultural awareness.

The quality of teaching and learning in art is of high quality across the school.



  • Pupils are introduced to a range of art and design processes including drawing, painting, printing, textiles, collage and working in 3D
  • Pupils and are encouraged to design, create and explore in the different areas of provision both inside and out, this is not exclusive to the art areas and includes music
  • Different provision areas are enhanced with drawing, creating/building and mark making equipment so pupils have free choice to explore and make links in their learning
  • Children have one or two directed art lessons per week. This includes a longer directed session, where the basic skills, knowledge and processes are introduced and explored (either discrete or linked to a learning project)

KS1 and KS2

  • Pupils have an art lesson each week or in a block to allow time to complete an activity/process
  • Art and design is often linked to the half termly (termly project in KS2) learning project and through cross curriculum links, but discrete lessons are taught where appropriate
  • Planning is put into the Staff Shared Drive along with any resources (teaching slides, suggested websites) within the KS1 planning folder. In KS2 planning is split into Lower and Upper KS to ensure progress
  • Planning is shared within the key stage and delivered by all KS1/KS2 teachers.
  • Pupils develop a range of knowledge, skills and processes over the year including use of digital media, across the different areas of art building on the work done in EYFS for KS1, and on the work done in KS1 for lower KS2, and in LKS2 for UKS2. 

Please see the progression document for Art and Design here.

Our Art and Design co-ordinator is Mrs Debbie Aitchison

Please contact her through the School Office for further information.


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