‘Computing is not about computers anymore, it is about living.’
Nicholas Negroponte
At Dringhouses Primary School we believe that every child should have the opportunity to use and experience a range of technologies. We aim for children to become confident technology users who are, at minimum, computer literate; enabling them to fulfil their potential and thrive in an increasingly computer-reliant world. Our pupils learn key computer skills which includes developing typing fluency, researching online, coding and data handling which will support them throughout their future.
As a school we aim to:
Cross-class planning, in phases and teams, ensures that all classes are presented with equal activity opportunities – planning is separated by teaching staff and often the person planning is more confident in subject knowledge and can provide guidance to their colleagues. The subject-lead is happy to give advice where needed too.
Each class from EYFS to Year 6 has blocked time across each half term for their learning in computing. As well as that, technology is used across other curriculum areas to enhance the learning and to provide children with the opportunity to build on their skills and knowledge of computing.
Our pupils have the chance to use Chromebooks, iPads and other hardware that we have at school such as electronic microscopes, Bee-Bots and microphones. To enhance the well-structured and progressive Computing curriculum with clear links between year groups, the school makes use of a range of computer programmes including Purple Mash, Scratch, Google software such as Docs, Classroom and Slides as well as many cross-curricular programmes, for example TTRockstars and Spelling Shed.
Currently, Computing sessions are planned in Key stage Teams with KS2 being split into Lower and upper stages. This fits with computing progression plan.
Please see our Computing progression plan here.
Abby and Megan baked cakes for the kitchen team! And made a 'printed using nature' card for them to say Thank You! #dringkind #dringcreative
Dringhouses Primary school (@dringhousesprimary) • Instagram photo
Dringy's Got Talent #dringconfident #dringcreative
Dringhouses Primary school (@dringhousesprimary) • Instagram photo
EY Sports Day! Seriously styled-out staff skipping, and INTENSE family races. #dringconfident #dringraces
Dringhouses Primary school (@dringhousesprimary) • Instagram photos and videos
Key Stage 2 are officially Internet Legends!
We had a visit from Jez and Paulette from Google today who were very impressed with our knowledge about e-safety. We brushed up on our skills for keeping ourselves safe and reminded ourselves of the Be Internet Legends Pledge!
Our computing subject leader is Mrs Lisa Auckland.
Please contact her for further information.