
‘Today a reader. Tomorrow a leader’

Margaret Fuller


At Dringhouses pupils access an inspiring and engaging English curriculum that develops their ability to listen, speak, read and write for a wide range of purposes, including the communication of their ideas, opinions and feelings.

Children are taught to read independently, fluently and with a secure understanding. This is so that they can express themselves creatively and imaginatively as they become enthusiastic, critical and life long readers of stories, poetry, drama, non-fiction and media texts.

Children acquire a wide vocabulary and gain an understanding of how language works by looking at its patterns, structures and origins.

Children develop their knowledge, skills and understanding through speaking and listening so that they can write clearly, coherently and effectively linking to high quality texts and learning across the curriculum.


We use the National Curriculum English Programme of Study for the teaching of English, alongside our own Dringhouses Progression maps. The teaching of English is based around carefully chosen, high quality texts which we map out as part of our Dringhouses Discovery Curriculum. We use Success for All (FFT) for the teaching of Phonics.

Please see our Writing Curriculum Progression Grid here. 

Please see our Reading Curriculum Progression Grid here.

Our English subject leaders are Mrs Claire Scott-South and Mrs Helen Floyd

Please contact them for further information.

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