Keeping in touch with parents and carers

Newsletters: Whole school

Please have a look at our latest school newsletters below to keep up to date with everything that’s happening in our school. Make sure you check back regularly!

If you need a hard copy, please contact the School Office.

01904 553940

Whole school newsletter – 25 July 2023

Click here to see a round up of the last half term – see you...
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Whole school newsletter – 30 February 2023

Click here to see a round up of the last half term – see you...
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Whole school newsletter – 10 February 2023

Click here to see a round up of the last half term – see you...
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Whole school newsletter – 16 December 2022

Click here to see a round up of the last half term – see you...
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Whole school newsletter – 21 October 2022

Click here to see a round up of the last half term – see you...
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Whole school newsletter – 7 October 2022

What an amazing start to the Autumn term! Click the link to find out what...
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Whole school newsletter – 5 September 2022

Welcome back! Here we are at the start of another academic year. We hope that...
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Whole school newsletter – 15 July 2022

Towards the finish line… Unbelieveable as it always is, we’re almost at the end of another...
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Whole school newsletter – 24 June 2022

What a two weeks – I haven’t been here and I feel like I’ve rather missed...
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Whole school newsletter – 20 May 2022

Another couple of weeks, another set of Triathlons, and dodgeball championships (artistic licence allowed) completed!...
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Whole school newsletter – 6 May 2022

Welcome back! After what I can only imagine was a refreshing and relaxing (or frazzling,...
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Whole school newsletter – 8 April 2022

Spring Term: Complete! Were you at the curriculum concert? What a dream! The effort and time that...
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Whole school newsletter – 25 March 2022

Another newsletter, another couple of weeks featuring ALL of the joy in the world at...
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Whole school newsletter – 11 March 2022

Happy Friday, and I hope you’re all enjoying the joys of Spring and the light…how much more enjoyable...
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Whole school newsletter – 4 March 2022

Hi, all, just a mini-newsletter today, so no overly long waffley ramble chat from me…you’re welcome! See you on...
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Whole school newsletter – 18 February 2022

And there we have it – the end of an eventful Spring term start! We certainly weren’t...
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Latest news

KS1 Class Teacher (maternity cover)
11 July 2024
Lunchtime Play Workers
11 July 2024
Whole school newsletter – 12 April 2024
12 April 2024
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