No nuts please, as we have children with the possibility of having a severe allergic reaction.
Please see the important information below:
School Meals, Free School Meals and Pupil Premium
School meals are available every day and are cooked fresh on the premises by our school cook Carolina Ficco and her team.
Our menus are designed to meet school food standards and the nutritional needs of healthy growing children, as well as catering for all allergies and other dietary needs. Menus are shared with parents and pupils prior to the start of each new term and are created to make the most of seasonal ingredients. Parents are encouraged to pre-order their child’s meal in advance using their ParentPay account. The pre-order deadline is the Thursday lunchtime before the following week. If you forget to place your orders the children will be able to either bring a packed lunch from home or select a baked potato which are available with the filling of the day.
Click here to see our new Spring Term Menu 2025
All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal and older children may be, depending on parental income. Please use the link below for further details on free school meals and how to apply if you are a low income family.
Please click here for more details on free school meals and how to apply
School meals are charged at £2.95 per day per child, or £14.75 per week per child and should be paid for using ParentPay.
Breaktime Snacks
In order to encourage healthy eating habits, sweets are not allowed in school. If you would like to send your child with a snack to eat during morning break, then fruit, celery, raisins or raw carrots are allowed. In addition to a lunchtime drink, please send your child to school with a named bottle of water, which can be re-filled during the day as required.
Abby and Megan baked cakes for the kitchen team! And made a 'printed using nature' card for them to say Thank You! #dringkind #dringcreative
Dringhouses Primary school (@dringhousesprimary) • Instagram photo
Dringy's Got Talent #dringconfident #dringcreative
Dringhouses Primary school (@dringhousesprimary) • Instagram photo
EY Sports Day! Seriously styled-out staff skipping, and INTENSE family races. #dringconfident #dringraces
Dringhouses Primary school (@dringhousesprimary) • Instagram photos and videos
Key Stage 2 are officially Internet Legends!
We had a visit from Jez and Paulette from Google today who were very impressed with our knowledge about e-safety. We brushed up on our skills for keeping ourselves safe and reminded ourselves of the Be Internet Legends Pledge!